Ânderson stands for decentralization, free-culture, information open access, and global citizenship, and he is a bit obsessed with social contracts.

AKASHA Foundation full-time adventurer.

Contributor/volunteer BCN Hub, Mozilla, Ubuntu, and Tor Project, among others.

Creator of VOTEgpt and Hamlet.

Creator of the table games Peleia, Figo, Inception, The Looter and the Watchman, x-Chess, and Parallel Echoes; and the Scratch game Paper Dungeons.

Editor of Pedro Pirata and Ilha dos Ninjas , and co-author, alongside his 8-y.o. nephew, of Capitão Théo.

Author of Coddiwomple, a collection of haikulikes, Nonada, a collection of microfiction, and Alex e o ET, a story for children.

Previously: skydiving instructor; scuba diver master trainer; Ocean Quest Coral Reef Rehabilitation instructor; Project AWARE Ocean Conservation instructor; IPF Brazil/RS Chapter Technical Director; TEDxLaçador co-organizer; PMI REP Instructor and Consultant; InfoQ Brazil Editor; Solutions Consultant IBM, Oracle, Bizagi, and Orquestra; Contributor ETH Devs BCN, Scrum Alliance, MARKET Protocol, PMI Global, PMI-RS, Hacker Noon, DZone, Webinsider, InfoQ, Abrindo Horizontes, and VidaViva.

An early advocate of distributed teams, he has been working remotely for over a decade. He is from Porto Alegre (BR), but these days he has been based in Bombinhas(BR) DeLand(US) Taft(US) Fano(IT) Pattaya(TH) Phuket(TH) Bucharest(RO) Barcelona(ES) Cape Town(ZA) Saint Petersburg(RU) Barcelona(ES) DeLand(US) Balneário Camboriú(BR) Garopaba(BR) Lake Elsinore(US) Santos(BR) Praia Brava(BR) Bucharest(RO) Flops (BR).

He is always up to grab a coffee to talk about anything, from systems thinking to graphic novels and video games - so feel free to drop him a line at anderson[at][thiswebsitesdomain]. PGP Fingerprint: A6A3 440F A1BF 4064 781B 9F8B BFDD 95DD C2B5 A111

Alex e o ET


Uma história atemporal sobre questionamentos ou o final dos tempos; sobre o que deveria ser e o que é. Um epíteto sobre amizade. Texto de Ânderson, ilustrações de Nathan Herz, e edição de Carina Calabria.



An application that helps you getting status updates from your team members in an easy and automated way.

Capitão Theo


Escrito por Pedro Q. aos 8 anos de idade, e seu tio Ânderson, com ilustrações de Mykyta Harets. A história, para crianças de 0 a 3 anos, conta as aventuras de Théo, irmão de Pedro.



Ânderson has spent most of a decade traveling between different countries. Coddiwomple, a short collection of haikulikes, his first book, is the upshot of his catharsis at the closing of those years – written while he was dealing with mal de débarquement – where he recollects random moments from some of the places he has been to during his wanderings.

Chain Reaction


Built during a hackathon promoted by Colony.io, Chain Reaction is a framework for an ecosystem that rewards volunteers for utilising their expertise for social causes or projects.



This script will navigate through your Obsidian notes to collect marked passages, adding them to a raw list and finally exporting them to a txt file. Fcards was written with the idea of creating flash cards with key passages from diverse notes.



A party game for skydivers.

Gatsby to Ghost


A set of scripts to export content from Gatsby to Ghost.



A chatbot built with the NLTK. It responds to interactions with quotes from Shakespeare’s plays, translating between old and modern English using a bank of synonyms and sentiment analysis.

Ilha dos Ninjas


Com texto de David, ilustrações de Mykyta Harets, e edição de Ânderson, Ilha dos Ninjas conta as destemidas aventuras de Pedro e Théo em uma ilha misteriosa e divertida.



Rule-light, easy-to-carry PnP PvP puzzle that can be played within different timeframes, according to the different scenarios.



For way too long, Ânderson has lived in one of the strangest places on earth, where he used to work as a lightkeeper. In this collection of flash and microfiction, he recollects (although unable to handle the minutiae properly) memories of some of the characters of that place.

Paper Dungeons


How many dungeon rooms can you go through within 60 seconds? How many enemies can you kill? How many coins can you collect?

Parallel Echoes


Unlike most RPGs, PARALLEL ECHOES is not a game in which you portray an avatar - a warrior, a cyborg, an alien, etc. Instead, your real you is the protagonist. Thus, by playing it, you split your timeline into two, in a manner of speaking, and find yourself managing a stormy variant of your day to day within the game.



A variant of Stratego, with typical characters from southern Brazil. It also introduces elements such as cards and dice, and it's played with an 8x10 board.

Pedro Pirata


Com texto de David, ilustrações de Mykyta Harets, e edição de Ânderson, Pedro Pirata conta a história de Pedro Pirata, o destemido capitão dos Sete Mares, em busca por Little Dino.

The Looter & The Watchman


A rule-light 2P PvP game that can be easily expanded and carried around — all you need is an A5-size board and a handful of dice.



An OSS AI-powered service designed to provide impartial, comprehensive information on election candidates. Users can access detailed candidate profiles, such as biographies, political platforms, past experiences, and key policy positions, among many other details.

x-Chess: The First Mutant


x-Chess is a series of Chess variants, all of them played on a 5x6 board, each introducing one or more fairy pieces to a different setup. The First Mutant is the first of the x-Chess variants, in which only one piece is a mutation: the Archbishop.

Yo Thanks


Automatic thanky you emails to OSS contributors on GitHub.